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Value Chain Analysis and Design

Solution to guarantee the mastery of the value chain and prepare your business for digital transformation projects.

Processes & Competitiveness
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Why should you care

Global organizations are reshaping themselves to serve a dynamic and demanding market - and that means reinventing themselves to operate in an increasingly flexible and adaptable way.

An organization's operation can be defined as a Value Chain, that is, the way in which it organizes its primary, support and management processes so that people can produce and deliver value to customers.

By decomposing an organization in its activities of strategic relevance, it becomes possible to analyze not only cost behavior and existing sources as well as potentials for differentiation in each business process, but also how it is possible to be more flexible and adapt market transformations more easily.


(%) of the companies do not have domain of the value chain and will have difficulties to insert projects of digital transformation and innovation.

Cadeia de Valor

How our value chain analysis and design methodology can help you

Every business transforms materials or information into products or services. This happens through a sequence of activities carried out within the organization, which progressively adds value to the product or service, resulting in something desirable for customers.

Our methodology for analyzing and designing the value chain, consists of building a map that identifies the processes of each area of your business, as well as their relationships and their contribution to meeting the company's strategic objectives.

This knowledge is essential for you to identify situations of duplicity or even lack of processes (gaps), and allows you to assess which processes are most critical and need improvement and optimization projects, bringing real benefits to the entire value chain.

How it works

Value Chain Analysis and Design projects begin with an understanding of the business and the identification of the organization's strategic objectives.

Based on this information, a survey of the organizational structure and reference frameworks for the business segment is initiated.

We run a series of workshops with the business areas to develop the Value Chain and its macro-processes.

From the revised and approved value chain, the survey of the business processes and sub-processes of each macro-process begins.

Once the process map has been established, together with your team, we carry out an assessment of gaps, duplications, disconnections and breaks that point out the critical processes for change with a focus on achieving the strategic objectives of your business.

Cadeia de Valor


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