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Conduct Market Research

Solution for you to gain deep insights and analysis on existing markets or new markets and position your offer to meet existing needs.

Sales Management
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Why should you care

Every new idea, whether related to a business, product or service, carries with it great opportunities, but also risks. Not always the internal perception, however better and better prepared the human resources involved in the conception, are aligned with the desires, expectations or needs of customers and consumers.

Studying and understanding the niches of your current or future market, positioning your offer to meet existing demand is a strategic process for the marketing and sales area.

The identification, analysis and understanding of the operating market (geographic, demographic, socio-economic, degree of use and / or other applicable aspects) of your organization are a crucial step for the success of the offer of products and services.

The evaluation of the performance of the competition in the target markets helps to identify possible gaps and opportunities to generate competitive advantage that allow a better commercial performance of your business.


(%) of the companies that started to carry out market studies affirm that the rates of success and return on investment increased significantly, after the adoption of this practice.

Estudo de Mercado

How our market research methodology can help you

The market study consists of in-depth research on a specific market in which a business is or intends to enter, and seeks through the analysis of several variables, such as: competitors, target audience, suppliers, prices, product characteristics, etc. define the best path.

It is essential for those who are starting out or for those who want to diversify their activities.

Our methodology starts from the understanding of the business objectives, the expected results and brings a deep understanding of the different regions of the country about the analysis of the public, market and markets, trends, competition and other variables that may make up the scenario.

Each study is carried out on demand and confidentiality, involving a multidisciplinary team to present, with facts and data, how a new idea can be introduced in a given market, reducing the natural risk involved in these processes to the maximum.

How it works

Through the experience of a multidisciplinary team with experience in market analysis and monitoring, we support you to study and understand niches in your current market or that you want to enter, facilitating the positioning of your offer.

Studies may have support in the following challenges:

Estudo de Mercado


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